Saturday, June 9, 2012

Mothers day weekend in Florida

This is my first time blogging and posting pictures from my phone, so please forgive any formatting issues.

In May we spent a week in Merit Island Florida, which is Near Coco Beach. It was the first time for all of us visiting the Florida beach, and Henson's first time at the ocean.

In fact this trip was full of firsts for all of us. Some of them included

-Henson's first flight (and he was a trouper, even sleeping despite his usual no sleep in public policy)

- Henry and I went jet skiing for the first time. Since we were staying with my parents try watched Henson while we tried it out. We took turns driving, and it was a lot more fun than I anticipated.

- Henson's first time at the beach. He loved it! At first he didn't know if he liked it and had to figure it out, but by the end he was grabbing our hards and walking toward the water. He also unfortunately liked eating sand.

- My first time seeing a live crocodile. We had lunch our last day at a little place on the water, and from the deck you could see crocodiles in the water. They were pretty far away, but still fun to watch.

- My first massage. Henry and I took advantage of the non-DC prices and we each got a massage. It was very relaxing.

All in all it was a fun and relaxing trip.

1 comment:

  1. i can't believe how big henson is! he's such a big boy. fun to see him on the beach. too bad we all don't have one of those in our backyard, right? reed would go nuts. thanks for the updates, btw. i love them and also welcome you to pinterest. i'm a believer :)
